Terminally ill Singapore Dad Prepared 8 Time Capsules for Daughter


This is the greatest dad anyone can hope for. This is a very touching story. Our hearts will be with the family and relative that is affected.

A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.

Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death. Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.

Some of the gifts included a bracelet to be sent to his daughter when she reaches 18. There was also a fountain pen carved with her name for her university graduation later on in life. He was said to have prepared the gifts when he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer, which was diagnosed in March last year.

He Chen, who worked in the production industry, passed away recently. The signs of his cancer had begun in January last year, when he started complaining of a backache. His wife to Shin Min Daily that as the cancer had spread, the cancer could no longer be treated with an operation and chemotherapy was the only option.

His condition improved for awhile, but took a turn for the worse two months ago and he lost 30kg of body weight. He died in November in the company of several friends and relatives.

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