Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Talk Cock"

Tag: Talk Cock

Singapore New Dashboard Fuel Gauge Vehicles

Here in Talk Cock Sing Song, we believe that all vehicles in Singapore should comes installed with this gauge instead of the regular fuel...

Life Lesson Part 5

A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey. "But...

Creepy Places on Earth – Candido Godoi

Godói proclaims the town as “Garden City and Land of Twins.” The small Brazilian farm town has a population of about 6,600, at least...

The chicks looks weird, oh wait

Watch till the end, the chicks looks really weird. Hahaha

Singlish Seem Much Better After You See These

This are the few things that we feel proud to be a Singaporean where we understand English, Mandarin and Singlish. And because of it,...

Biggest Working Mobile Phone in the World

Biggest working mobile phone ever build by a service provider in US. This phone is approximately 4.5meters long, 3.9meteres high, and 1meter deep. And...