Woman Charged for Punching and Kicking Elderly Neighbour


The woman who was caught on video punching and kicking her elderly neighbour was charged on Monday in a district court. Casey Sabrina Ng Allias Asha, 41, was charged with using abusive language and voluntarily causing hurt to two female police officers who responded to the incident.

Police are investigating the case of Ng and her elderly neighbour, Madam Toh Siew Hong. Ng has been remanded at the Institute of Mental Health for psychiatric evaluation and will appear in court again on October 14.

She was arrested on Saturday morning following the dispute with 65-year-old Madam Toh. A video clip, which has gone viral, showed a confrontation between the two women. In the video, Ng was seen slapping and punching Madam Toh repeatedly. At one point, Ng was shown continuing to kick Madam Toh even after she had fallen to the ground.

Madam Toh’s family has claimed the woman also hit her with an object. The footage came from a CCTV camera which the family had installed outside their flat. They claimed Madam Toh had been repeatedly harassed by Ng with pushing and threats since the beginning of September.

Madam Toh’s daughter, who did not want to be named, said that Ng moved into the flat opposite theirs only in January. Madam Toh suffered facial injuries and has been hospitalised at Changi General Hospital.

For using abusive words on a public servant, Ng could be jailed up to a year or fined up to S$5,000. For voluntarily causing hurt to a police officer, she could be jailed up to seven years, and fined or caned.

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