Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Humor"

Tag: Humor

Singapore New Dashboard Fuel Gauge Vehicles

Here in Talk Cock Sing Song, we believe that all vehicles in Singapore should comes installed with this gauge instead of the regular fuel...

Airplane Seatbelt

Airplane seatbelt joke. LOL. Share this with your friend today.

Singlish Seem Much Better After You See These Part 2

This is the part 2 for the funny English translate happening around the world. And in case you miss the Part 1. This soup sound...

Extremely Scary Corpse Elevator Prank

This is the same elevator from the last prank with that scary girl. You can watch that older one here. I think most of...

Max Headroom Broadcast Signal Intrusion

On 22nd November, 1987, someone dressed in a Max Headroom mask hijacked two broadcase television stations while moaning, laughing, and screaming. The hijacker was...

Creative Bus Captain Advertisement

Creative Bus Captain/Driver ads that I came across online. This is the advertisement for New Zealand bus drivers. It is so creative that we...