Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Advertise"

Tag: Advertise

LEGO Creative Bus-stop Ad in Singapore

As children, we would make up our imaginary worlds in our heads – one where anything was possible. We would turn those worlds into...

Gas Control Creative Safety Billboard Ad

It took use some time to realise this was a billboard and not a ruined building. We don’t understand what is written on this...

Royal Baking Powder Creative Huge Cut Cake Billboard Ad

This ad manage to awaken our craving for a delicious layered birthday cake. However, by the looks of it, this billboard was displayed on an...

McDonald’s Sundial Clock Creative Billboard Ad

McDonald's advertising team turned this billboard into a sundial, proving that every hour is a McDonald’s hour. Whether it is coffee or a bagel,...

Carnival Cruise Line Fire Escape Stairs Billboard Ad

Carnival Cruise Line used a fire escape to make it look like it was a part of their water park billboard. Ads for cruises...

Unfortunate Ads Placement

This is one failed ad placement. Can you spot it?